family counseling to save your familyfamily counseling to save your family

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family counseling to save your family

Raising a teenager is more difficult than I had ever imagined it would be. What had made it more difficult is the fact that my husband and I had separated and were contemplating getting a divorce. You know, teenagers are hormonal and emotional enough without parents throwing a wrench into their daily lives. Instead of giving up on our family, we all started going to a family therapist to get some help. It has helped us all a lot because we have learned how to talk to each other and discuss the problems that we had rather than screaming and not dealing with any of the issues at hand.

6 Major Causes for Addiction and How Group Detox and Counseling Can Help

While detox is no easy process, getting to the root of addiction and the causes can be even more challenging. A group environment, for many people, makes getting clean and staying clean a little less difficult and a lot more lasting. Group drug detox treatment services can offer addicts support, the ability to relate to others, and a means of identifying the root causes of the addiction. With these services, you can reduce the chances of going back to the drugs that were relied upon in the first place.

What is the root cause of your addiction? When that cause is identified and addressed, detox, counseling, and living a clean life are finally within reach.

1. Social Stumbling Blocks

People plagued by social difficulties turn to alcohol or drugs to be, what they perceive, more likable and confident. Being in group detox and counseling, under such circumstances, opens a whole new way of making up for lacking social skills without relying on any substance.

2. The Effects of Anxiety

Detox, whether you go through it in a group or alone, is naturally going to increase anxiety. If your level of anxiety is already sky-high, detox is even more excruciating. Just thinking about dealing with the ups and downs of your life makes you feel like leaning on a substance, so getting off it is painfully difficult unless you learn how to deal with your underlying anxiety.

3. Childhood Trauma

Unfortunately, about 2.9 million incidents of child abuse are recorded annually, and too many of those kids are destined to grow up as addicts. If that rings true for you, you have to resolve the trauma to release yourself from the addiction.

4. Unbearably Low Self-Esteem

Different scenarios lead to low self-esteem in life, but a lot of them also lead to addiction. Lacking personal strength and confidence is a well-traveled path to drugs and alcohol, but one that's hard to get off of on your own. Talking to and listening to others in the same situation helps you through. 

5. Difficulty Maintaining Relationships

Whether because of your addiction or other underlying reasons, an inability to maintain personal relationships leaves an emptiness, loneliness, and void. Learning how to maintain lasting and rewarding relationships gives you fewer reasons (i.e. excuses) to turn to substances. Eventually, you should have more reasons not to abuse a substance than to run to it.

6. Accepting Loss and Addressing Grief

Failure to deal with loss, adapt to change, or overcome grief are common stumbling blocks to becoming sober. It's hard to stop relying on a substance when it's the only coping mechanism you know. A supportive and understanding group shows you you're not alone, that other people face the same persistent problems, and that carefully-guided help can get you to a better place.

Identifying the root causes of addiction is no easier than going through detox or staying clean; however, it's ultimately the first step in everything else falling into place. Once the cause is out in the open and begins to resolve, a new and clean life can begin. Contact local group drug detox treatment services for more information and assistance.